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Please contact us if you have any questions, concerns or if you would like to discuss collaborations.


Alva Martell
Axel Eriksson
Bastien Erpelding

I am dome theatre coordinator at Curiosum science center. 

Elias Sävenberg
Erika Boström

Teacher and researcher, also active at Curiosum. Research related to formative assessment and how students’ problem-solving processes in mathematics can be effectively supported.

Eva Lönn

I am responsible for Curiosum´s external communication

Frida Edlund Otterstedt
Ghanem Al-Sabaawi
Hanna Nordström

Trained primary school teacher (F-3) with a bachelor’s degree in Media and Communication Studies. I work with external communication, event planning, and as an educator at Curiosum.

Ilse Olsson
Johanna Lidgren
Jonas Bergmansson
Jonas Lundqvist
Jonas Olsson

I am project manager for exhibitions at Curiosum.

Jonas Oscarsson
Kajsa Brändström
Lars Isaksson

I work as a research engineer at Curiosum.

Lovisa Aurell
Lovisa Jonsson
Madelen Bodin

I am the director of Curiosum, a new science center for learning and communicating science and technology. 

Magnus Lindgren

I work as a research engineer at Curiosum, where I am responsible for both workshops and its manufacturing techniques. I also do training in the workshops.

Maria Spändbåge
Maryan Abshir Mohamed
Mika Sinclair

Trained industrial designer with a master's in interaction design. At curiosum, I work with operation of the visitors center and visitor-related activities in the makerspace.

Mikael Oja
Moa Bergquist
Nelly Liljedahl
Nova Halldal
Petra Wikström

I am a trained molecular biologist and high school teacher, currently working as an educator at Curiosum. I welcome groups, develop new educational activities, and manage bookings for school classes.

Rebecca Heller
Reiko Iwaoka
Saga Wiberg
Sara Markskog
Simon Einemo
Sonja Bakelova
Stefan Johansson

Associate professor at the Department of Computing Science and Curiosum science center.
Deputy head of department at the Computing Science department.

Thomas Kling
Trine Aspnes
Veronika Ljung
Latest update: 2021-01-29