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Open tomorrow: 17-20
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Become a bat detective

In Västerbotten, there are many different species of bats, but we do not know much about them yet. Uncover the secrets of bats with us at Curiosum and become a bat detective

In Västerbotten there are about 15 species of bats. All bats are special in their own way, but they have some things in common.

The bat is a nocturnal animal, it is awake at night and sleeps during the day. It sleeps in dark little cavities, caves, mines, in bat houses or in the attics of some old houses. At night it comes out to hunt. The bats in Västerbotten only hunt insects and spiders. A bat can eat up to 1000 insects every night. Wow!

Some bats live here all year round and go into torpor (deep sleep) during the winter season, while others fly south to warmer regions.

There's a lot we don't know about the bats in Västerbotten. We still lack knowledge about which bats live in Västerbotten. All bat detectives can help by gathering and submitting information into Artportalen

Something else we don't know is where the bats go into their winter sleep here in Västerbotten. It is a mystery that scientists still need to solve. Perhaps you could be the first person to solve it?

What is happening at Curiosum?

Build a bat house

Take care of the bats that come through your garden by building a house warm enough for Västerbotten bats. 

On August 27 we have this year's last open bat house workshop. Don´t miss it! Note! Limited number of seats.

Book your seat here!

Instructions for building a bat house (in Swedish)

Build a bat detector

August 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 26 we will have open workshops where you can build your own bat detector.

NOTE! Limited number of seats.
Book your spot here!

Guided bat walks

August 18, 19, 25, 26 and September 1 and 2, you can join our guided bat walks in central Umeå with experienced guides.

NOTE! Limited number of seats.
Bat walks (age recommendation 12 and up) 
Book your spot here!

Family friendly bat walks
Book your spot here!

Latest update: 2023-08-29